You can view and analyse the brain templates supported by the Scalable Brain Atlas using Matlab.
Matlab is a commercial software package which provides an easy to learn, high level programming language, with extensive capabilities for matrix manipulations, image analysis and fancy graphics.
To get started, you need:
Matlab installed on your local system.
The set of m-files written for the Scalable Brain Atlas, which you can download here.
Save the m-files to a folder on your local system, and either go to this folder in Matlab (using 'cd') or add it to the Matlab path (using 'addpath').
Explore the m-files in the folder, and modify them to implement your own type of image analysis.
[A,slices,scaling] = getRegionMask('PHT00','V2');
hP = viewRegionMask(A,slices,scaling);
This produces a 3D-rendering of area V2. The coloring is done to create more depth in the image; it has no physical interpretation.