Scalable Brain Atlas
neuroVIISAS hierarchy
Export brain region hierarchy to neuroVIISAS-compatible XML
is a platform for mapping, visualization and analysis of connectivity data from tracing studies
Atlas template
Ferret - HSRetal17 (Population based MRI/DTI atlas of the adult ferret by Hutchinson et al. (2017).)
Human - B05_on_Conte69 (Brodmann 05 mapped onto Conte69 (2012))
Human - BIGB13 (Bigbrain at 400 μm, with coronal zoom at 20 μm.)
Human - BIGB13_v0 (Bigbrain resampled at 400 μm)
Human - BN274 (Brainnetome atlas based on connectivity profiles)
Human - BNA (Brainnetome atlas based on connectivity profiles)
Human - EAZ05_v18 (Cytoarchitectonic segmentation of Eickhoff, Amunts, Zilles, et al.)
Human - EAZ05_v20 (JuBrain cytoarchitectonic atlas by Amunts, Zilles et al., with maximum probability maps of Eickhoff et al. (2005))
Human - HBA12 (Allen Mouse Brain volumetric atlas 2012)
Human - HOA06 (Harvard-Oxford atlas as distributed with FSL)
Human - HumanBrain09 (*Provided as is* Automatically labelled human brain)
Human - HumanCortex09 (*Provided as is* Automatically labelled human cortex)
Human - ICBM152c (ICBM152c)
Human - KGBetal17 (MindBoggle "OASIS-TRT-20 joint fusion" atlas)
Human - LPBA40_on_SRI24 (SRI24/LBPA40 Multichannel Atlas)
Human - NMM1103 (Neuromorphometrics Inc. manually segmented brain)
Human - NMM1103_freesurfer (Freesurfer (version 6-beta) reconstruction of NMM1103 scan, in native coordinates.)
Human - TT88 (Talairach Atlas)
Macaque - CBCetal15 (Calabrese et al. (2015) DTI atlas with Paxinos brain regions)
Macaque - DB08 (NeuroMaps Atlas)
Macaque - DB08_v0 (NeuroMaps Atlas)
Macaque - DB09 (NeuroMaps Atlas)
Macaque - F99 (F99)
Macaque - FVE91_on_F99 (Felleman and Van Essen 1991)
Macaque - LVE00_on_F99 (Lewis and Van Essen 2000)
Macaque - MERetal14 (Markov et al. (2014) 91 cortical regions atlas)
Macaque - MERetal14_on_CBCetal15 (Markov et al. (2014) 91 cortical regions atlas, warped to CBCetal15 space)
Macaque - MERetal14_on_F99 (Markov et al. (2014) 91 cortical regions atlas, registered to F99 space)
Macaque - MERetal14_on_F99_v0 (parcellation from Markov, Ercsey-Ravas, Ribeiro Gomes, and 19 others (2014))
Macaque - MMFetal11_on_F99 (parcellation from Markov, Misery, Falchier and 14 others (2011))
Macaque - NMT_v2.0_sym (NMT v2.0_sym Macaque atlas)
Macaque - PHT00 (Paxinos et al. 2000)
Macaque - PHT00_on_F99 (Paxinos et al. 2000)
Macaque - RGYetal16 (Saleem-Logothetis 3d template)
Macaque - RM_on_F99 (Regional Map 2005)
Marmoset - PWPRT12 (Paxinos, Watson, Petrides, Rosa and Tokuno (2012))
Mouse - ABA07 (Allen Mouse Brain volumetric atlas 2007)
Mouse - ABA12 (Allen Mouse Brain volumetric atlas 2012)
Mouse - ABA_v3 (Allen Mouse Brain Common Coordinate Framework version 3)
Mouse - BLHS13 (Hippocampal atlas by Badhwar, Lerch, Hamel, Sled 2013)
Mouse - DLSKH08 (Hippocampal atlas by Dorr et al 2008)
Mouse - FP08_contours (Franklin and Paxinos 2008, contours)
Mouse - LHAetal07 (Allen Mouse Brain)
Mouse - WHS09 (Waxholm Space delineation 2009)
Mouse - WHS10 (Waxholm Space delineation 2010)
Mouse - WHS11 (Waxholm Space delineation 2011)
Mouse - WHS12 (Waxholm Space delineation 2012)
Mouse - WHS12_with_ABA12 (Allen Mouse Brain volumetric atlas 2012)
Mouse - WHS12_with_PLCJB14 (WHS-Rat delineation in WHS-Mouse space)
Opossum - OPSM14 (Multimodal atlas of gray short-tailed opossum brain (Chlodzinska, Majka et. al. 2014))
Rat - CBWJ13_age_P80 (MRH Atlas of the developing brain: P80)
Rat - PLCJB14 (Waxholm Rat (Papp, Leergaard, Calabrese, Johnson, Bjaalie 2014))
Rat - PLCJB14_v4 (WHS Sprague Dawley Rat Atlas version 4)
Rat - RMJetal13 (DTI Atlas of the P72 Rat Brain by Rumple et al. 2013)
Rat - RMJetal13_age_P72 (DTI Atlas of the P72 Rat Brain (Rumple et al. 2013))
Rat - VLAetal11 (Population-averaged DTI atlas of the Sprague Dawley rat (Veraart et al. 2011))
Rat - VSNetal11 (An in vivo MRI Template (Valdés-Hernández, Sumiyoshi, Nonaka, et al. 2013))
Output format
Summary table