Site map: Scalable Brain Atlas ► services ►

(old) region by coordinate
(old) Find region by coordinate
This service outputs the name of a brain region, given a stereotaxic coordinate as input.
distance matrix
Matrix with euclidian distances between region centers within a hemisphere.
Returns a table (tab-separated) with the euclidian distances [mm] between region centers within a hemisphere, for a given atlas template
label index mapper
Map label indices to region names.
Generates a map from label indices to region acronym, full name, or rgb-value.
list regions
Lists all regions belonging to the given template
Returns a table (tab-separated) with all regions contained in a given template, their full names, place in the region hierarchy and whether they are a visible structure in the Scalable Brain Atlas
list templates
List of supported atlas templates
Returns a html-table with all supported atlas templates, including their title and species
Matlab analysis
Analyze atlas templates in Matlab
This service lets you download slices and matlab-scripts to your computer, to create advanced 3D visualizations using your local installation of Matlab.
neuroVIISAS contours
Export brain region contours to neuroVIISAS-compatible XML
neuroVIISAS is a platform for mapping, visualization and analysis of connectivity data from tracing studies
neuroVIISAS hierarchy
Export brain region hierarchy to neuroVIISAS-compatible XML
neuroVIISAS is a platform for mapping, visualization and analysis of connectivity data from tracing studies
region by coordinate
Find region by coordinate
Returns the name of a brain region, given a stereotaxic coordinate as input.
region centers
Region centers (optimized for label placement)
Returns a table (tab-separated) with columns [acronym | rgb-value | x | y | z], where x (left-right), y (posterior-anterior), z (inferior-superior) are the region centers in [mm] optimized for label placement.
rgb slice
Color-coded PNG (bitmap) or SVG (vector) image of a brain atlas slice
Returns a color-coded SVG or PNG image of a single brain atlas slice. Get the color scheme from the 'list regions' service. Warning: the PNG image is produced using the RSVG library, which has the shortcoming that anti-aliasing can't be turned off. As a result, border pixels get interpolated RGB values that do not map to a valid brain region.
Region thumbnail in 2D (slice) or 3D (stack of slices)
Returns a region thumbnail in 2D (slice), 3D (stack of slices), or both.
view/map 3d surface
View a brain surface in 3D and map values onto brain regions.
Generates an html-embedded X3D scene with controls to map values onto brain regions.