Scalable Brain Atlas  Composer | Readme & FAQ | Terms of use | About & Feedback

Allen Mouse Common Coordinate Framework v.3

Background:  Camera:  Edge effect:  Shininess:

Readme, FAQ & documentation

Scalable Brain Atlas (SBA) Composer is a web-based application to dislay brain-related images, volumes and 3d-objects inside one of its supported brain atlases. It can be manipulated by the user or be used as a visualization front-end for third party websites, as described in the data-exchange tutorial. Each atlas template comes standard with a set of region meshes imported from the Scalable Brain Atlas. They can be rendered together with the imported data with a user-defined transparency and color. The 'Direct link' button generates a URL that stores these settings.
Help is available in the form of: New features and releases of Scalable Brain Composer are announced in our blog, to which you can subscribe via email.
Email me about SBA composer updates:

Terms of use

SBA Composer is part of the Scalable Brain Atlas, and the same terms of use apply. In short, if you use results or figures obtained using SBA Composer in a publication, you need to cite (1) the "defining citation" of the atlas that you use (see the ABA_v3 atlas page), and (2) the Scalable Brain Atlas publication (a dedicated SBA Composer publication is in preparation).

About & Feedback

If the viewer almost fits your need, but is just lacking that one thing, send us your wish-list.
If you find a bug, report it.
SBA Composer is created by Rembrandt Bakker, Radboud University Nijmegen & Jülich Research Institute, 2017,
funded by the Human Brain Project Neuroinformatics Platform and the Ferret Interactive Integrated Neurodevelopment Atlas (FIIND) project.


Warning: this section contains experimental features for testing; pressing these buttons voids your warranty!

Insert clipping planes in Atlas Space:

Insert clipping planes in User Space:

Rotate scene around z-axis and save as movie: